What is Authority Optimization and Why Does It Matter Now More Than Ever?

Authority Optimization
There are three words you would repeatedly hear when it comes to search engine optimization: content, relevance, and authority. Content and relevance are important to drive up rankings and remain updated for SEO purposes.

But what about that last one—authority? Does your brand understand authority when it comes to optimization? Read this article for a brief primer on authority and how to optimize your content ideally to increase this aspect:

Understanding Authority in the Context of SEO

Authority Optimization
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/analytics-charts-graphics-marketing-2618277/

Search engines algorithms are becoming more specific year by year. Try to think about web search in a manner a company like Google does. They want to make each result a user gets as relevant as possible to the search phrase. In addition, search engine companies want to offer monetized links in the least intrusive manner possible. In recent years, there’s another major concern for search results: accuracy.

Remember internet search in the early 2000s? Just as web browsing was becoming popular, so did online scams. Web users were getting tricked into clicking links that might have downloaded malware into computers. Some were getting duped into clicking repeatedly for certain site owners to make money. Those days are long gone thanks to search engines improving their algorithms to weed out such duplicitous content.

Enter 2017: Search engines are now concerned about the links getting top ranking on their sites. More and more web users are concerned about issues like fake news, where sites may appear credible, but are hawking scams of one sort or another. Authority of websites appears in this context. Search engine companies not only want to provide users with the most relevant link, but they also want to make sure the link comes from a trustworthy and credible source.

For example, if you Google “cancer,” the top links would be from highly credible websites, such as government medical sites or organizations dedicated to battling cancer. The links won’t be from one of the many so-called alternative medicine sites advertising “cancer therapies,” no matter how well optimized these sites are. This is roughly how search algorithms prioritize authority over quantity.
Essentially, your website has a better chance of ranking high up by building authority, as opposed to just optimizing for keywords and random links. To boost a better ranking learn more about website SEO Audit Tips then you will know what should you optimize beside authority optimization.

What Gives Your Website Authority and Credibility

Now you have a general idea about what authority is and why search engines value it. But what exactly makes your website authoritative? Do you need a .gov or a .org domain extension? A review from Bill Gates? Not exactly (though these things would certainly help!)

The main feature that gives your website authority is relevant and truthful information. You can achieve this by doing some simple things, such as removing spelling errors and grammar mistakes from the site. Remove any and all plagiarised content. Use only original content, including photos, on your site.

More importantly, websites can lose authority because of bad links. Check out the link directory for your website. Is your site linking to other websites that have low rankings, bad reviews, or are marked as spam? If so, immediately remove those links. Remember, quality is important than quantity.

There are off-page authority building tactics you can undertake as well, such as having your site linked on websites that are more popular and well-known. Having your site reviewed or mentioned by recognized social influencers would help as well.

Authority Optimization and How to Do it?

Website Authority Optimization
Image source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/laptop-with-smartphone-table_3506392.htm

There are two main types of authority online. One is website authority, and the other is a brand authority. Website authority refers to how credible a site itself can appear with both on and off page optimization. Brand authority refers to how popular and well-established a brand is. For example, an official Nike website would have more authority compared to just any show-selling e-store without famous brand associations.

Don’t be discouraged if you are running a small business and want to create a credible website. You don’t need mega brands to sponsor you to get better rankings.

You can aim for either website or brand authority depending on your business model. If you are trying to build a brand, then the latter is best. Otherwise, focus on building the credibility of the website. Authority optimization should be part of your larger digital marketing push. You can hire a reputed specialist like Shout SEO Agency to design your brand or site an authority optimization strategy.

A specialist can identify the weak points in your brand or site that damages its credibility and come up with solutions. Otherwise, your in-house team can undertake simple and easy efforts to build credibility.

Part of the plan should be using highly relevant keywords as much as possible to get better rankings. As mentioned above, use only credible links on the site. Try to gain customer reviews and brand or site mentions on social media. Professional reviews and mentions in real news articles would be a major plus.

The steps you need to build your site’s authority are simple. However, implementing the plan is more complicated. Once you understand what authority optimization is, then you can decide how to go forth with a credibility-building strategy.

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