SEO and User Experience Boost Website Ranking

SEO User Experience Boost Website Ranking
It may seem crazy that we are still discussing SEO even your website does not get ranking. Some people do not understand the way that SEO works. Their expectation is much high, that is why they could not reach their target and they give it up. Well, today I will offer you another tip about SEO tricks.

SEO and user experiences (UE) are keys that you have to do it to be a habit. SEO ranking as same as your habit, if you think about SEO in a right way, SEO will be ranking in a right as well because SEO and User experiences (UE) are working together to help your website ranking properly.

You need to work with SEO role as a natural way. Don't push it, Don't want SEO work for you like a missile flying and don't be abusive SEO rules. Try to do your best with the below SEO trick but don't be abusive SEO rules!

Content Quality

Content is a most important factor for SEO. These are key questions to alert you to write a good quality content.

  1. What is your purpose to write about?
  2. Do you write quality contents that make visitors want to stay and engage?
  3. Do your contents offer your visitors tips?
  4. Do your contents has at least 300 words with Subtitle?
  5. Do you add the keyword(s) to your contents?
  6. Do the contents readable?
  7. Are they unique contents?

These key questions are enough to make one standard for your content. Review them before you start to write your content. Do it every time you write your content then it will become a habit.

HTML Headings

Your web page or blog post should heading because it will be easy to find the information on the page/post. Provide a right heading is easy both visitor and search engine crawlers to understand the content parse.

Headings: h1 for page/post title, h2 for the subtitle, and h3, h4, h5, h6 use in the following in your content. These head tags tell search engine and your visitors the content sections or content paragraphs.

Use only one h1 for a title. the Title will crawl by the search engine and visitors the thing you focus. Adding a keyword in h1 before other words of the title text.

Other headers such as h2 and h3, h4, h5, h6 have to follow the h1 to organize and structure the rest of the page appropriately. Heading tags should be between 15 and 65 characters, use title counter tool to assist you.

SEO and User Experience Boost Ranking

Image Alternative (alt tag)

If you post the image in your page/post, you have to follow the instruction of image alternative (alt tag) rule, alt tag will tell search engine and users the purpose and/or what it is.

Image Alternative (alt tag) should place in the image (alt="blog tutorial supporter") with the title (title="blog tutorial supporter").

Easy navigation and site structure

It is too boring right that I talk about navigation. It looks like a funny tip that menu navigation helps to boost ranking. But yes it is, the navigation is useful for the users and it is a roadmap for search engine too. The navigation should work both desktop and mobile friendly. The website navigation will tell your users the direction where they want to go.

Take a look at True Cambodia Travel, a location website in Cambodia. This website is a responsive site, it works well both desktop and mobile friendly.

Easy navigation and site structure

Site Loading Speed

I think you will not happy if you visit any website and take your time to wait while it is loading the page. If your website loading too long, I suggest you to fix it very soon, otherwise, you will lose your visitors.

The factors that make a site loading to long is all about images size, java scripts, HTML, CSS, other many others. To test your site loading speed just use Google Page Insights. The poor loading speed is a point that you should review your site once again.

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