What are Facebook Instant Articles

Facebook Instant Article is a new idea and new product that meets publisher needs. it was launched by Facebook since May 2015. Instant Articles were built to provide a solution for a particular problem that happened on the Facebook mobile application (APP) because it was very slow loading time. Facebook are on the way of millions of people are getting the news via the app but it is loading very slow, they spent about 7 to 8 seconds when they click on a link from the Facebook Page app. So they came up with the Instant Article, it is a way that they can view those article on their phone like lightening speed. So Facebook hopes that readers can start zooming those articles 10 times faster than mobile web articles. This mean that Facebook does not want you to spend more times on the loading speed on the app and the Facebook Instant Articles publishers can publish articles and they will see the app revenue. If you are a publisher, it is time to study about Facebook Instant Articles beca...