Add Social Meta Tags For Twitter, Google Plus
Social Meta Tags such as meta tags for Twitter and Google Plus are introduced by Blog Tutorial Supporter and motivated to use to optimize for sharing a web page to those social network website. The social meta tags will define exactly how to show title, description, images, and web page URL in the social newsfeed.
We motivated to all webmaster to use these meta tags because they help many things such as search engine optimization also implicate with these significant meta tags. We have learned a lot about them and we enjoy using them to spread our blog contents to the social network websites and these meta tags help to optimized our title, images, descriptions, and other single posting article materials.
Besides the Google Plus and Twitter Meta Tags, we have also introduced a special Facebook Open Graph meta tags which are important social meta tags that pointed to Facebook social media. However, in the article, we are focusing how to add Social Meta Tags such as Twiter and Google Plus to website and blog.
To add this meta tags just copy below code and paste into your website HTML code area. The head section is a right location where you should paste them inside. The simple method searches for the <head> tag the paste below it. You can visit the way to add Facebook Open Graph tags where you could completely understand how and where to place all of them in the head section.
Please make sure to replace any green text with your personal data, and customize, and customize, eliminate or add any tags you find necessary.
The image that you will replace in the <meta content='image' name='twitter:image:src'/> tag should must be at least 120x120px.
The Google publisher markup and Authorship. The data will not change your content appearance in Google Plus. It will provide a good performing in Google Plus searching result.
The Google Plus will be optimized sharing reviews such as Local Business, Organization, Person, Product, Articles, Blog, Boog and other Review.
Please make sure to replace any green text with your personal data, and customize, and customize, eliminate or add any tags you find necessary.
We motivated to all webmaster to use these meta tags because they help many things such as search engine optimization also implicate with these significant meta tags. We have learned a lot about them and we enjoy using them to spread our blog contents to the social network websites and these meta tags help to optimized our title, images, descriptions, and other single posting article materials.
Besides the Google Plus and Twitter Meta Tags, we have also introduced a special Facebook Open Graph meta tags which are important social meta tags that pointed to Facebook social media. However, in the article, we are focusing how to add Social Meta Tags such as Twiter and Google Plus to website and blog.
How to use these Social Meta Tags?
To add this meta tags just copy below code and paste into your website HTML code area. The head section is a right location where you should paste them inside. The simple method searches for the <head> tag the paste below it. You can visit the way to add Facebook Open Graph tags where you could completely understand how and where to place all of them in the head section.Social Meta Tags For Twitter (Twitter Card)
The Twitter Card is generated from Twitter meta tags when you share a page on twitter profile. The Twitter Card will optimize Summaries, Galleries, Images, Video, Audio, Apps, URL, and Products.Please make sure to replace any green text with your personal data, and customize, and customize, eliminate or add any tags you find necessary.
The image that you will replace in the <meta content='image' name='twitter:image:src'/> tag should must be at least 120x120px.
<!-- Twitter Card Meta Tags -->
<meta content='summary' name='twitter:card'/>
<meta content='@blogsupporter' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta content='Blog Tutorial Supporter' name='twitter:title'/>
<meta content='Blog Tutorial Supporter is a WordPress and Blogger Help Center' name='twitter:description'/>
<meta content='@blogsupporter' name='twitter:creator'/>
<meta content='' name='twitter:image:src'/>
<!-- End Twitter Card Meta Tags -->
To Validate Twitter Card Use A Testing Tool
It is a very easy to use Twitter Card Testing Tool to check your domain approved. After you implement your cards, simply enter your sample website address into the validated tool. After checking the markup, select the "Submit for Approval" button.Social Meta Tags For Google Plus
The Google publisher markup and Authorship. The data will not change your content appearance in Google Plus. It will provide a good performing in Google Plus searching result.
The Google Plus will be optimized sharing reviews such as Local Business, Organization, Person, Product, Articles, Blog, Boog and other Review.
Please make sure to replace any green text with your personal data, and customize, and customize, eliminate or add any tags you find necessary.
<!-- Google Plus markup -->
<meta itemprop="name" content="Add Your Website Title Here"/>
<meta itemprop="description" content="Add Your Website Description Here"/>
<meta content="" itemprop="url"/>
<meta itemprop="image" content=""/>
<!-- End Google Plus markup -->