Submit A Website To Bing and Yahoo Web Directory

Bing is a popular website search engine that managed and owned by Microsoft Company. Bing is providing a variety of search engine services, including image websites, and a map of location products.
Yahoo is very popular search engine website as well and it is a World Wide Web Site directory that managed in a hierarchy topic categories. To be a directory, it provides new and old of website users within the structure of millions of web pages view. Since Yahoo qualified to a popular search engine website, it provides good search results to the user's experiences.
Webmasters love using Bing and Yahoo website directory to increasing their website pages and domain authority. Why can Bing and Yahoo help their website to improve page and domain authority? Since Bing and Yahoo is an advanced search engine website and web directory, these websites got very high authority in both pages and domain. Moreover, these both websites are providing web directory listing by free of charge so all search engine websites qualified well backlinks because they linked their site from high-quality websites such Bing, Yahoo, and other sites. The website will get a high score if they listed it in Bing and Yahoo web directory. So in this tutorial definitely share you the way to give a website to Bing and Yahoo web directory.
Website Submission in Bing and Yahoo Web Directory
To send a website to Bing and Yahoo just do with a few similar methods. You need to have a yahoo, outlook or Hotmail email address before do it. In case, you do not have an email address, you can sign up Yahoo for free of charge from Yahoo and Bing.
When you are ready to submit a website to Bing web directory, let's go through with the link which provided. When you are on the page just fill up your website URL and complete the spam code then click on SUBMIT button. Once you did it, a new page will come to you and just click on GREAT! SING ME UP button to login Bing Webmaster account. Why do you need to sign up Bing webmaster account? Well, because you need to qualify that your website will control traffic and connected it to Bing. As well as it will guide you to improve some search engine key.
Send a website to Yahoo Web Directory is not different from Bing web directory, click on Yahoo Web directory which provided above and then you will reach to Yahoo web page where you can submit your website to Yahoo directory. If you are on the submission page, you got a link and just click on Submit Your Site for Free then it will ask you to login to Bing Webmaster Tool to get a final pressing.
How to Register Bing Web Master Tool?
To sign up a Bing webmaster tool as well as to complete submission Bing and Yahoo web directory, just log in to webmaster tool of Bing by using Yahoo, Hotmail or outlook email address. Once you log into Bing webmaster tool, it will need you to add one more website address. The sitemap will sitemapred when you submit a site to Bing webmaster tool. Each site needs to get a verification by place Bing webmaster Meta Tag that you need to add it to head section <head> of your website or blog and you can get other verification methods.

These two web directories are advanced that you should consider about and submit your website as soon as possible if you on this page. However, there are many other web directories that you also consider listing your website in. Just get in touch to top 15 blog directories where you can list your website in. The more you get directories listed the more ranking of your site you got.