How to Clean Up Your Wordpress Website Database

How to Clean Up Your Wordpress Website Database
If you are using Wordpress CMS, you may understand about Wordpress database if compare to Joomla vs Wordpress. It is not easy if you would like to clean up some unhelpful data in your Wordpress Database by a manual. Sometimes it will be taking you error a whole of your website database and could be dead. But in this Wordpress tutorial, I will share you to take an easy way to clean Wordpress database because I got my personal experiences and I would like to share this useful information to all of you. My original Wordpress database is 37.36 Mbs, it is too big and it had never cleaned up almost 4 years. My Wordpress website database is too big and I was had to improve WordPress website speed and import to another web server or sometimes it made my website to be slow loading even I try to do some WordPress theme development from my free WordPress templates or do a new WordPress theme design because it has limited of custom WordPress themes.

Last two days ago I found one helpful plugin that could help me to solve this problem. Then I just had one clean up by using it, then a whole of my database space is 4.7 Mbs. This is very great and I am very enjoying it because it was reduced almost 33 Mbs from my Wordpress database. The website is working very healthy and it did not lost any data after clean it up. Just go through with this below tutorial;

Clean Up Wordpress Website Database and Reduce Space

Step 1: Login your Wordpress Website.
Step 2: Click on Plugins Menu and then Click on Add New
Step 3: On the right top hand side, there is a search from, now you just searching from "WP Clean UP" or you can Download it to your computer and then using Upload  mode.

How to Clean Up Your Wordpress Website Database

Step 4: Now you found it and just click on Install Now and then click Active Plugin to activate your installed plugin.

How to Clean Up Your Wordpress Website Database

Step 5: Now it is time to clean some unhelpful data, just go to Setting Menu and then click on WP Clean Uplink.

Step 6: You will see this information about unuseful data that has been storing in your website database, and they are the option that you can delete any data that you think not important for your website.

How to Clean Up Your Wordpress Website Database

Step 7:  Now you got this point, how to clean and reduce your Wordpress website database, and it will help you to improve the speed loading.

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