How to Make A Popup Page on Blogger or Wordpress

How to Make A Pop Up Page on Blogger or Wordpress
When you click somewhere on link or button that set up as a special function called pop up window, popup message web page or popup web page), it suddenly appears (pops up). Usually, the pop-up window contains a menu of commands and stays on the screen. Visitors absolutely hate with a passion unexpected or unwanted pop-up windows because it is too much annoying. Especially when there is an advertisement web page popup on screen, it is most hated advertisement technique sometimes so a better stop web page popups if not necessary. But however, pop up window can increasing rate of a page view, subscribe, sign up etc...

If you would like to create a new browser window should be the authority of the user. do not try to pop up new windows. However, I still left this special code for popup a new window in case you need to use. This code can be used in HTML text area. Just copy below code and paste in sidebar HTML/Javascript text area. Then the free pop up blocker will work.

This is a simple of Popup Page on Blogger or Wordpress

How to Make A Popup Page on Blogger or Wordpress

<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.onclick= function(){'ADD YOUR URL HERE', 'poppage', 'toolbars=0, scrollbars=1, location=0, statusbars=0, menubars=0, resizable=1, width=700, height=700, left = 300, top = 50');

Place URL instead of the "ADD YOUR URL HERE" it will pop up. Change the width and height  which in red (700).

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