How to Create a Post in Wordpress

How to Create a Post in Wordpress
Wordpress is providing a good Content Management System (CMS) that allow thousands of bloggers work within this system.  The blogger is easy to create a blog or website free suing this CMS. This below tip will help the new people who are new for Wordpress using. In our first tip is sharing the method how to create a post in Wordpress.

These Are 5 Steps To Create a Post on WordPress Website

Step 1: To start creating a post  you need to log in your WordPress blog

Step 2: You are now in the dashboard then go to "Post" Link the click on "Add New"

How to Create a Post in Wordpress

Step 3: You will get the content area that allows you to fill up your content and title of your post.

Insert Post Title

Step 4: Add a category: If you have not created it yet, just click on Add New Category link to create one you need with the category title. 

Select Post Category and Tags

Step 5: Create tags:  Tags are very important keywords that allow your visitors search through your blog or website. However, they are keywords that help to list your post in Google search engine. (Picture in Step #4)
Step 6: Add feature image: feature image is a picture that will appear on the home page and single post. Just click on Set feature image link then upload one that you like to set up Wordpress featured image. The picture uploaded then you will see one "Set Feature Image" button, just click on it.

Add Feature Image to New Post

Step 7: Now in this step you need to review from step #3 - #6, if everything is done click on Publish button. Done !!!!

Important: If you are continue reading just go trough how to add a post in blogger pages point to SEO.

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