How to Create Category in Wordpress

How to Create Category in Wordpress have been providing you to create a website in Wordpress, the Customs Management System (CMS) has a function called "Category" that is a pre-defined taxonomy. We create and use it to sort and group our post content into a different post section. 

When we setting up a blog page on Wordpress  or create a blog in WordPress  CMS we will need to assign it to a right position in a right category and to make all of your post contents to be separated in order to make your visitors easy to find them.  In this tutorial will guide how to create a category;

How to Create a Category?

Step 1: Log you Wordpress Account

Step 2: Go to Post  Menu >> Category

Create website in wordpress

Step 3: Create a category title and slug. What is a slug? Slug is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. It will appear in your website URL after your domain name. Eg: so your slug is [post-image]

How to Create Category in Wordpress

Step 4: Click on "Add New Category" button to complete this category.

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