Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails on Wordpress
Every time you install Wordpress CMS (Custom Management System) a kind of WordPress design management system or a free WordPress website management system. It comes with a WordPress recent post or some bloggers called it WordPress latest posts, that always displays a plain list of your recent posts on widget sidebar. The WordPress recent posts are also possible to use with widget thumbnails to display with your recent posts. It is automatically imported a featured image of the first image of your post or you assign as a thumbnail. You can adjust the width and height of your image from widget's setting screen or sometimes the recent post does not have the image setting, it depends on your Theme function. In this WordPress tutorial, we will share you how to add recent posts widget with thumbnails on a WordPress website, WordPress widget sidebar. Here is a Recent Posts Widget with Thumbnails For Wordpress Step 1: You log in your Wordpress admin Step 2: On the dashboard...